Church Events

Check out photos from some of the recent events at Trinity Lutheran Church.


Church Gatherings

Many activities and gatherings happen throughout the year involving all our members especially when it comes to food and fellowship - - - - work days, hanging of the greens, bell choir, celebrations, children’s sermons, pastor installation, council installations, seminarian installation.

Our Youth

Our youth in action during worship and at many youth events - - - - Lock-Ins, Adventure Trips, Pumpkin Carving, Escape Room, Bake Sale & Auction, Food, Fellowship and Bible Study, Church Work Day

Community Involvement

Trinity Lutheran Church is involved in the community with different events including:

  • Lenten 40-Day Challenge: Congregation members are encouraged to remove one item each day from their home they no longer wear or need and gather the items in a trash bag and bring to the church. At the end of the 40 days, those items are donated to our local Food and Clothing Center. A great way to spring clean and unclutter homes while providing needed items to the Food and Clothing Center.

  • Red Cross Blood Drive: Trinity hosts the Red Cross in a blood drive routinely throughout the year. If you are interested in donating blood here at Trinity or a location near you, please visit the Red Cross website.

  • Food Pantry Donations: September is Trinity’s month for collecting items and monetary funds to be given to the local food pantry.

  • Operation Christmas Child: Trinity members participate in putting together shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child each year. Shoeboxes are packed with items for different age groups and then shipped to children in need around the world through the Operation Christmas Child organization.